Game dev anatomy of backend

Free Game Developer Course Materials

I’ve always imagined being a game developer when starting out working online. I thought it would be easy peesy and Id be a massive successful game developer building my own World of Warcraft game and my own GTA games. But this was also way back in 2014 and a lot has happened for me since then.

My life changed when I learned how to work with computers, code and assemble objects. Thinking back my learning path was messy AF, nothing was straightforward forward and it took months to learn simple things.

For you today I have assembled 9 Free Gamedev courses:

💻 Harvard Classcentral Introduction to Programming:
💻 Ed X has a Harvard Introduction to Computer Science course:
💻 Intro to C++ Game Programming, Memorial University:
💻 Coursera has a Specialization for Game Art and Design, at the California Institute of Art (Online):
💻 Classcentral offers this Free Course for Mobile Game Development:
💻 Free course for Godot 4:
💻 Free Coding Fundamentals in GML:
💻 Free GDevelop (no code) tutorial:
💻 Coursera Free Game Design Course, Art and Concepts Specialization:

🎇 BONUS – 250 free Coursera courses:

For those of you who want to make a start in game development, give yourself a learning target like I want to learn game dev in 4 months and then block out learning windows. Learn something for 30 minutes a day and in those 4 months you will have enough knowledge to start your first project.

Imagine studying for 30 minutes a day or watching an episode of Cobra Kai. Only one of them will get you into a higher-paying job.

Invest your time into 1 or 2 of these courses to start with and really learn the subject topics. Then look at learning more. You should be pretty comfortable within 6 months and look desirable on a job application considering you decided to do this on your own merit.

It took me a good 12 months to really master what I had learnt split between multi-tasking and a very busy role. But like gym work repetition makes muscle grow stronger. The more you do it the more you learn it.

I really hope this helps some of you get the job that you have always wanted.


