More than HALF the population are using Google Chrome browser when surfing the web. Google has done a phenomenal job marketing Google Chrome. Many people just install it and start using it with no second thought about what happening every time that they turn on their computer.
I really got paranoid after reading through the documentation and looking at the browser console to see what’s what from what Google says to what Google actually does. No surprise they are hiding between loopholes and walls of policy text to milk every keystroke of data from your browsing activity. Like I said there is NO SURPRISE there.
Myself what do I use? Well, it’s not Google Chrome. I am a believer in Brave Browser and what they are working towards. You can see Brave Browser for yourself here and I have no affiliation with the company other than loving the browser experience.
I lost trust in Google Chrome after learning just how much it reads on my computer when it’s installed. To keep yourself safe, secure and a little more anon to Google I suggest you read these recommendations.
The fact is that Apple and Google made it difficult to switch browsers for years because they know the truth: open competition hurts their monopolies. These Tech Giants block competition and go against an open web by controlling the way we use technology.

I’ve always supported those that allow users to engage with the products in a way that makes them happy and then want to use the product more because it’s dope and fits their way of working.
Google Chrome Browser Settings To Change
Secure DNS & Connections
I always check this on any browser that I install, I need to know that I am only visiting websites that are safe and secure. You can manage this setting inside your Google Chrome browser settings.
Saying this I would also suggest that you check your computer settings just to be safe across your computer and browser.
Site Permissions
Chrome browser has some settings that by default are not turned off and allow some websites to access your web camera, microphone and location by default. Some of these sites are Google-owned and operated but not limited to Google-owned websites only.
Google Chrome’s incognito browsing is designed to be a private search and browser session where you are anonymous and can have more privacy while browsing online. The sad reality is Google Chrome is hungry for data and needs to make money from your online activities so you are never really private while using it. Homer J Simpson below will demonstrate the reality of Google Chrome Incognito mode.

Third Party Cookies (Tracking Cookies)
By default the Brave browser will turn these off using a feature called Shieldm but Google Chrome doesn’t have that by default. Google also makes a truckload of money off their advertising platform Google Ads. To disable Third Party Cookies go into settings and disable that toggle setting.
Info Tip: Cookies are small data items that websites will place on your device. Each cookie is unique to the website. It’s not very clear what each cookie does unless you read the fine print some will track your online activity across the web. For Google, this is a very valuable feature to have to collect data and then sell that data.
The internet is the wild west of data privacy. You HAVE to read privacy policies, terms and conditions pages and any cookie notification and acceptance notifications to remain private and not have your data sold online. This current status of data privacy sucks b###s and really needs an overhaul for user-first experiences.

Pop-Ups & Redirects
There is nothing more annoying than multiple pop-ups on a website. When trying to read an article and you get spammed with pop-up notifications. It frustrates me so much. You can control these settings inside your Chrome settings tab.
Chrome Background Apps
By default, Google Chrome runs all its applications in the background. The browser will continue running some apps even when the browser is closed. This also freaks me out as the application (browser) is closed so why is it still performing tasks like reading desktop file names.
Google is like a 90’s private investigator following your every move tracing clues and putting together this mind map of everything you do at every minute of the day.
Enhanced Protection
Enable this setting so you have extra Chrome security features at your disposal. This can change the way you browse and download things so tweak these settings to your liking. I prefer more safety features but you may like a quick and easy user experience. It’s up to you.
*I use this in Chrome sparingly I don’t particularly trust what it’s doing and what data it’s sending to Google. Google was caught tracking Chrome users while they used the browser’s supposedly private Incognito mode. It’s yet another reason why you should use a browser that puts your privacy first.

I just do not think Google places users first in its browser product. They are behind other leaders like Safari and Brave browser I mean mid-May 2024 and Google just released features other browsers have had for almost a year.
Google announced at #GoogleIO that it’s rolling out several AI features soon. You don’t have to wait for Google Chrome though, because Brave browser already offers many of these features in the browser and search. 🦁
1) AI-powered search summaries
You can use Brave Search’s Answer with AI ( feature on desktop or mobile to generate quick answers with text, other media, and full citations at the top of your results. The summaries will be generated automatically for question-like queries, you can also request answers on-demand by clicking / tapping the Answer with AI icon. Helpful feature that Brave has and Google Chrome is releasing soon.
2) Document support
Brave Browsers AI called Leo can also help you analyze PDFs, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and GitHub pull requests. Google is just getting out of bed with this stuff.
3) Writing assistance
Want help to write a social media post or to revise an essay? Just ask Leo in Brave browser! Again Google Chrome is just offering this now.

My Recommended Internet Browser
Before I was educated enough to know the difference I would install and freely use Google Chrome without much thought. But as I started learning more and more about browsers and privacy I looked for alternatives.
Chrome doesn’t offer the same privacy protections but it must have more features, right? Well…no.
Brave offers many helpful features that Chrome doesn’t. To get the same functionality in Chrome, you’d need to install multiple extensions, each of which would slow performance even more, and introduce even more security risks.
My choice is Brave Browser. See for yourself the difference Ad Blockers and Third third-party cookie blockers make to reading an article in this side-by-side comparison (This is a link to a video on Instagram).
Below is a side-by-side comparison checklist when you stack Brave Browser against Google Chrome for features.

Key Takeaway
Chrome is built for tracking. It allows creepy ads, trackers, cookies, and more to record everything you do. Brave, meanwhile, is built for privacy. It blocks all that (and more) by default. Find out more about why Brave wins on privacy and performance through the link in our bio! (The charts compare default settings. Plus sign means full protection, minus sign means limited protection and a blank square means no protection.)
Please do not take this the wrong way, I found this way too accurate after converting several friends to move from Google Chrome to the smarter choice. If you use Google Chrome you are doing so as your choice, this is just for the lols.