Home of TechGiant

Tech News, Reviews, Deals, and How-To’s

– TechGiant

Good times blockbuster summers

Brought to you by people actively building the technology behind games, apps and platforms.

We get excited about computers, software and gaming.

Welcome to your go-to resource for all things gaming, tech, career, and beyond. Imagine a place where your curiosity for tech stuff meets practical insights and expert advice. That’s what I’m building here—a community for gamers, tech enthusiasts, and ambitious professionals.

With years of experience in engineering, software development, automation, and gaming, I bring you the most reliable, information in the industry. Whether you’re looking to master the latest gaming platforms, discover the newest gadgets, or take your career to the next level, this blog is coming from someone who is deep in the space.

My goal is to inspire the next startup, the next game studio, the next software and the next chuckle to yourself as I put my brain on the web. Having built, bought and sold businesses I know a thing or two, having built and led teams I can share what works and what doesn’t, having been in the thick of tech startups, blockchain companies and VC money I can share everything I know without selling you a course.

My time is limited but I want to make this blog site a place I can let loose and write about anything, without restriction or censorship. I invite you on a journey and to engage with me and ask questions, share your work and give me feedback if what I’m doing helps or is just simply pure madness 🤪.

I will also take a look at today’s tech giants as seen below.
Dive in, explore, and take this free information and build your next startup.

Explore these categories


I game a lot and I’m in the industry so here’s my lowdown on gaming and accessories in my world. Try my Retro GPT.


What my computer overview and usage is for home and work life.


Starting a new business, a side hustle, a games studio or building a software company. Playbooks for founders.


What I’m doing in tech with gadgets, AI, New stuff and Futuristic stuff. VR and AI are going to have a big impact.


I game a lot and I’m in the industry so here’s my lowdown on gaming and accessories in my world. Try my Retro GPT.


Leading teams, building teams, applying for your dream job. I’ve helped hundreds of young people land roles.

When I was starting out in my career and life in general I would have been a lot better off if someone who had been through it all was writing guides and strategies for overcoming obstacles and awkward scenarios. This is my chance to offload some of what I have learned to people who may be going through similar things.

Working in the tech space everything moves so fast, as TechGiant reports we will give you news and info from the front lines. Every day our team is building platforms, video games, mobile apps, AI and other tech advancements like Augmented Reality and more but we will recap our learnings for the everyday enthusiast.

Here are two types of Tech Giant examples. Example 1 shows two prominent figures in the tech and business space and the second example are how the tech giants we all know of and use their products create their own network effects.

President trump and elon musk
Web 2 Tech Giants Visual

general use case computers and add ons

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🎮 Console Reviews
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Simposns homer screaming at a nerd

My family & I spend a lot of time finding deals and bargains to make our money go further, by spending the time to assess and compare before we buy. I hope that all my effort is not in vain and I can share some findings with my readers. Six in 10 online shoppers (62 per cent) have increased the time they spend shopping around and researching since the recent rises in living costs.

I am certainly one of those 6 in 10, if you are like me then these pages should help cut out the fluff from the money-incentivised news sites and give you the real deal on what products are good, great and one that is worth avoiding spending money on.

the cosmic entity exists

Technology Shapes the Future